Education Outreach

Education is one of Keep Phoenix Beautiful's main pillars of engagement. This pillar is enforced by the organization's FREE education program.
KPB's education team visits schools, businesses, neighborhood associations, and many other groups around the Phoenix area to teach all things sustainability. For over a decade, the education program has grown to consist of various in-person and virtual presentations and modules. The resources offered cover several topics including recycling, littering,water conservation, gardening/composting, community beautification, and overall sustainability.
Presentation Menu
Below is a selection of various presentation options relating to recycling, water conservation, reduce, reuse and recycle, and compost/gardening and litter. When filling out the form, please specify which topic(s) if multiple you are interested in.
Eco Explorers
(Pre-K - 2nd Grade)
Discover the wonders of our planet with fun and interactive lessons! We’ll learn about keeping our environment clean, why recycling is important, how to save water, and simple ways to take care of our backyard garden. Get ready for exciting stories and activities that show how little actions can make a big difference!​
Recycling with Recyclesaurus
​Discover what goes into our recycling bins with everyone’s favorite green dinosaur
Litter Bugs
Keeping our Earth neat and clean
The Amazing Journey of Water
How to save and protect it
Sprouts and Soil
Discover the magic of gardening
Green Guardians
(3rd - 6th Grade)
Dive into the world of environmental stewardship with engaging activities and lessons! We’ll explore how to reduce, reuse, and recycle effectively, understand what happens at a Materials Recovery Facility, and learn about composting and water conservation. Get ready to become a hero for the environment with practical tips and fun projects!​
Recycling Adventures
How we turn used stuff into new stuff
Smart Choices
Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle
Trash Talk
Understanding and Preventing Litter
Water Wise
Understanding our most precious resource
From Soil to Salad
The wonders of gardening and composting
Planet Protectors
(7th -12th Grade & Adults)
Enhance your knowledge and skills to tackle environmental challenges head-on! We’ll delve into advanced topics like the science of recycling and materials recovery facilities, strategies for water conservation, and the impact of backyard gardening and composting. Prepare to discuss real-world issues and develop solutions to make a positive impact on our planet!
Recycle Route
Tracking the Path of Our Recyclables
Smart Choices
Mastering Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle
Waste Matters
Analyzing and Addressing Litter Issues
Water Uncovered
Conserving of Our Most Precious Resource
Greener Planet
How Gardening and Composting Help our Environment

Online Resources
These resources are a perfect jumping point for teachers who want to include green education in their curriculum! Below you will find material on littering, water awareness and reduce/reuse/recycle!
Litter in Your Community
Exploring the causes of litter and proper litter prevention.
TED Talk about a litter tracking app.
Explore this site to learn more about litter and litter prevention in Arizona. Go to the For Kids tab to get ideas for your students in the classroom or for parents at home.
Water Awareness
How much water do we have? How can we use less of it? Let’s find out.​
Water Use It Wisely has quick and easy water saving tips for the classroom and at home.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Learn why recycling ISN’T the most important “R” in the Three R’s.​
Play the City of Phoenix’s Zero Waste Game
Resources for the classroom on recycling, litter reduction, and beautification
K-5: Recycle City is an online game made by the EPA for students to learn how to stay green.
Middle School: Planet Protectors Activities (EPA)
K-HS: Track what you reduce, reuse, and recycle with this fun week long activity.